So last Monday we went to the senior singles Family home evening again. We had a testimony meeting afterwards. It was so cool to hear everyone's stories and how they came to know that the gospel was true. I learned that everyone has been through something difficult that has changed them and that has made them stronger. Even if it caused them to fall away for a time, they have come back and they are stronger now. The Atonement of Christ is real. People can change with God's help. God's way is the way to true happiness.
On Wednesday we had dinner with Sister Poe. She grew up in the church and eventually became "very disenchanted" and had her name removed from the records. She's in her 60s now and she was rebaptized almost 3 years ago and she was taught by sister missionaries. She's the coolest lady. She makes us feel right at home.
On Thursday we found out that someone we visit is in the hospital. She has COPD and she had to have a tube put down her through to help her breathe. We went to visit her on Friday and it was just really sad to see. She's totally awake but she can't talk. We told her to keep fighting. We heard she was put in a nursing home. But we started teaching her friend. She really likes when we visit with her and talk about the gospel. We got her scriptures and pictures of Christ. She's so sweet.
This weekend was tough for us. So many of our appointments got cancelled and one of our investigators told us that she doesn't believe in Christ. It was a trying time. But we learned that we just need to keep a positive attitude and turn to the Lord when we don't know what to do.
Thanks for all the prayers! Love you all!!
<3 Sister Bishaw
There were cop cars outside our apartment this morning! Don't worry parents, nothing exciting happened.
We put this up in our church buildings! haha
I found Thor in Boise!